Welcome to Web Loot Central

Web Loot Central is your guide to the various sites out there that can help you earn a little spare cash in a little spare time. Here, you can expect to find introductions, reviews, tutorials, and updates for the web's best sites that can get you that little extra money. These sites wont replace your job or make you rich, but with a little guidance, you can earn as much as a couple hundred dollars a month with relatively little time and effort.

Welcome to Web Loot Central.

20 February, 2012


PollBuzzer is a site that makes money when companies pay for an opinion poll. It sends you an email every now and then with a single, short, multiple-choice question. They're opinion based polls, so you get paid no matter what answer you choose. As long as you respond within the required time frame, normally a day, you get money sent to your Paypal account.

Each poll pays $1 sent to your Paypal after a day or two. Not bad for about 10 seconds of your time. You also get $1 for every person you refer that answers at least four questions. Considering the polls are just occasional things, not a daily event, don't expect to make a fortune, but you'll probably get a few dollars from it each month just by checking your email daily.

Click here to get started.

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