Welcome to Web Loot Central

Web Loot Central is your guide to the various sites out there that can help you earn a little spare cash in a little spare time. Here, you can expect to find introductions, reviews, tutorials, and updates for the web's best sites that can get you that little extra money. These sites wont replace your job or make you rich, but with a little guidance, you can earn as much as a couple hundred dollars a month with relatively little time and effort.

Welcome to Web Loot Central.

27 February, 2012


PaidViewpoint is a survey site unlike most others. Instead of trying countless long surveys that take several minutes only find out you don't qualify, PaidViewpoint only has short, typically 10 question, multiple-choice surveys that you are always qualified for. The site is very simple and straight forward. It pays fairly well considering how little time it takes compared to most survey sites.

You get a few surveys to do each day. PaidViewpoints.com uses two kinds of surveys. Traits surveys are always 10 questions and pay 10 cents. These are useful for increasing your traitscore, a way to measure how much you're trusted. The score is increased by 100 points per survey if your answers match with the information you've provided in your profile and previous surveys. In the event that you accidentally provide an inconsistent answer, the score will increase by a smaller number and you will be asked which answer is actually correct. For example, if you put in your profile that you're a woman with a 4 year degree and answer a question by saying you're a man without a degree, you would not receive the full bonus to your traitscore. As your traitscore increases, you will get more surveys and earn faster.

The other type of survey is the biz survey. These are similarly short surveys that pay per question and are generally about a specific store or product. Each biz survey gets an additional bonus pay based on your traitscore. Within a couple months of joining the site, I've seen biz surveys pay anywhere from $0.12 to $1.41.

Upon joining the site, you receive $1 and can earn an additional dollar for each referral that answers at least 6  biz surveys. The minimum payout is at $15. All payments are made through PayPal.

Click here to join PaidViewpoint!

Example/proof of payment


  1. Hi William,

    Nice site. It would be great to have reviews of all the online income possibilities in one place. Have you looked at Textbroker? I have a review here: http://writemorewritefastwritenow.com/2012/01/30/10-things-i-love-textbroker/

    No aff link or anything, just a straight up review of a legitimate online job.


  2. That's exactly what i plan to do with this blog over time. Of course, it'll take awhile to cover whats out there along with advice on how to go about these things, avoiding scams, freelance writing, etc.

    I have heard of Textbroker. I haven't tried it yet though. It's been recommended to me by several people within my field.

  3. Referral Link:


  4. How many surveys do you get when you first login to the site? and for how many hours or months? How'd you did it?

  5. I was getting about a survey a day, though it seems to have slowed down for me recently. Now I'm probably seeing a survey every few days, but then again I haven't been as good about checking it since I started a new job recently.

    I joined in late February, and am currently at almost $30 earned. I cashed out the first $15 in early April and should cash out again within the next week or two.
