Welcome to Web Loot Central

Web Loot Central is your guide to the various sites out there that can help you earn a little spare cash in a little spare time. Here, you can expect to find introductions, reviews, tutorials, and updates for the web's best sites that can get you that little extra money. These sites wont replace your job or make you rich, but with a little guidance, you can earn as much as a couple hundred dollars a month with relatively little time and effort.

Welcome to Web Loot Central.

27 April, 2012

Deals 'n' Cash

Deals 'n' Cash is run by the same company as Hits4Pay, which you can learn more about by clicking here. The two are essentially the same in operation, though Deals 'n' Cash offers slightly less per ad, but some find it has more ads available. Upon joining, you'll be asked to choose topics that interest you. These determine what ads you will see.  It is strongly advised that you select the maximum number, 15, so you can receive more paid advertisements. It may also help to vary your interests a bit in order to get more ads.  Try to pick one or two interests from each category to maximize the number of as you'll get.

All you need to do is click the link and leave the tab open for a minute or two before clicking on to the next ad. You're free to use other tabs or windows while the ad page is open.

Each ad pays around one or two cents and you get $5.00 when you sign up. You also earn when your referrals and their referrals earn.  With enough referrals, this actually adds up quickly. When you reach $30.00, you receive payment to the Paypal account associated with your email address.

Ready to get started?

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